Ferramentas em Geral / Equipamentos de Teste e Medição / Testador de Cabo HDMI / MCT-320


Testador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice

MCT-320 - Monoprice
MCT-320 Testador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice
Testador de Cabo HDMI MonopriceTestador de Cabo HDMI MonopriceTestador de Cabo HDMI MonopriceTestador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice
*Imagens ilustrativas


Testador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice

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R$ 562,50

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R$ 562,50

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R$ 562,50

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Condição: novo em embalagem comercial

Garantia: 12 meses direto com a Net Computadores

NCM: 90304090

MCT-320 Testador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice

Condição de MCT-320: novo em embalagem comercial

HDMI® Signal Tester
Test your HDMI® cables with the Monoprice HDMI® Tester 320 before making the connections and never connect a bad cable again!
Testing cables is as simple as plugging them into the tester. One end goes into the tester Master unit, the other end connects to the Remote Terminator. Although the Remote Terminator is attached to the top of the Master unit for convenient storage, it can be easily removed if the ends of the cable cannot be brought to the same location.
The tester automatically turns on and tests the cable as soon as you plug it in. The LEDs will all illuminate if the cable is good and, if it is bad, the corresponding LED will fail to light up.

MCT-320 Testador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice

Condição de MCT-320: novo em embalagem comercial

Tags de MCT-320: HDMI Tester 320, HDMI Signal Tester, HDMI Testador, NF-HDMI, 8131, MCT320, MCT-320, Teste HDMI, Teste para HDMI, Teste de Cabo HDMI, Teste para Cabo HDMI, Teste Cabo HDMI, Teste de HDMI, Ferramentas de Rede, Ferramentas para Rede, Testador de Rede, Lan Tester, Monoprice

MCT-320 Testador de Cabo HDMI Monoprice