Componentes Eletrônicos / PWM e reguladores de tensão / APL1085


3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252

APL1085 - Anpec Electronics Corporation
APL1085 3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252
3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252
*Imagens ilustrativas


3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252

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NCM: 85423190

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APL1085 3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252

Condição de APL1085: novo em embalagem comercial

Outros Part Numbers para este componente: REGGS1085LDFT0, L1085DG, L1085, AME1085

3A Adjustable Low Dropout Line ar Regulator (LDO) L1085XG TO-252,263, 220 Lead-Free GENERAL DESCRIPTION The L1085G is a positive and low dropout th ree-terminal voltage regulator with 3A output current capability.
This device is designed for use in low voltage appl ications that offers lower dropout volt age and faster transient response.
This device is fully protected against over current faults, over temperature opera tion, reversed input polarity, reversed lead insertion, transient voltage spik, etc.
On-Chips trimming the referen ce voltage to 1% and features the low d ropout of maximum.

APL1085 3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252

Condição de APL1085: novo em embalagem comercial

Tags de APL1085: GS1085CE, REGGS1085LDFT0, APL1085, APL 1085, APL1085UC-TRG, APL1085UC, regulador de tensao ajustavel, regulador de tenção ajustavel, L1085, 1085, L1085D, AME1085, Anpec Electronics Corporation

APL1085 3A Low Dropout Positive Adjustable Regulator TO252

Foto de LP38691DTX-3.3/NOPB Regulador linear de tensão 3.3V 500ma TO252-3

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